This book tells the life story of Wolfgang Pauli, a physicist who made significant contributions to the field of physics. It covers his childhood, education, and early career, as well as his work in physics. It also discusses Pauli's thoughts on science and his interactions with other scientists. The book also includes a section on Pauli's dreams, which provides a unique perspective on his life and work. Overall, this book provides a comprehensive overview of Wolfgang Pauli's life and work.
This book retraces the life of the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, analyses his scientific work, and describes the evolution of his thinking. Pauli spent 30 years as a professor at the Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich, which occupies a central place in this biography. It would be incomplete, however, without a rendering of Pauli's sarcastic wit and, most importantly, of the world of his dreams. It is through the latter that quite a different aspect of Pauli's life comes in, namely his association with the psychology of C.G. Jung and his school.