The headset has "ultra sound science" that delivers "epic cinematic sound." The audio drivers have been upgraded to 50 mm and DTS Headphone:X 2.0 surround. The headset also has "pro-g™ audio drivers" which are "constructed with a woven hybrid mesh that unlocks greater sonic detail, depth, and clarity at any volume." The headset also has "low frequency sounds" that are "booming explosions and rich soundtracks" and "high frequencies" that are "voices, footsteps, shots fired." The headset can be used with the Logitech G HUB software to "download at"
Hear enemies sneaking around, special ability cues and everything else all around you. Be fully immersed in the gamescape and the hear the entirety of epic soundtracks. The most advanced audio technology and endurance materials combine to deliver expansive cinematic sound. Pro-G™ audio drivers upgraded to 50 mm and DTS Headphone:X 2.0 surround1DTS Headphone:X and other advanced features enabled on PC via Logitech G HUB software. Download at create the ultimate sonic experience.
Upgraded Pro-G 50 mm drivers are constructed with a woven hybrid mesh that unlocks greater sonic detail, depth, and clarity at any volume. Now, with the increased diameter, Pro-G performs better than ever. Low frequency sounds—like booming explosions and rich soundtracks—are even more full and cinematic. High frequencies—voices, footsteps, shots fired—are incredibly clean and precisely recreated. Hear more of your game than ever.