This is a product description for refined safflower oil, which is a pale, slow-drying oil which can be used to brighten and thin oil paints. As it is a paler yellow than linseed oil, paler pigments (whites and pale blues especially) maintain their brightness when mixed with safflower oil. Paints thinned with this product should not be used under faster drying layers, e.g. Fast Drying Medium, earth colors etc.
Safflower oil is a pale, slow-drying oil which can be used to
brighten and thin oil paints. As it is a paler yellow than linseed
oil, paler pigments (whites and pale blues especially) maintain
their brightness when mixed with safflower oil.Paints thinned with
this product should not be used under faster drying layers, e.g.
Fast Drying Medium, earth colours etc.