Jesse Custer, a conflicted preacher in a small Texas town, is inhabited by a mysterious entity that allows him to develop a highly unconventional power. With Tulip, a trained marksmen, and Cassidy, an Irish vampire, Jesse embarks on a wild, dark journey that is unlike any other. The series explores the theme of redemption, as Jesse attempts to lead a more righteous life.
Based on DC Comics' cult hit comic book series,
Preacher is the edgy story of Jesse Custer, a conflicted preacher in a small Texas town who is inhabited by a mysterious entity that allows him to develop a highly unconventional power. Jesse, along with his fearless sidekicks, Tulip, a trained marksmen, and Cassidy, an Irish vampire, embark on a wild, dark journey that is unlike any other.
The series explores the theme of redemption, as Jesse attempts to lead a more righteous life. Will he be able to leave his violent ways behind? It also looks at life's balance of good and evil - and everything in between.