Friday Night Lights is a TV drama that follows the lives of the residents of Dillon, Texas, during the high school football season. The fourth season follows the East Dillon Lions as they try to make it to the state championships.
All 13 episodes from the fourth series of the TV drama that expands
on the hit feature film of the same name. The action centres on the
small rural town of Dillon, Texas, where the coveted state football
championships are held in the highest regard. In this series, with
minimum funding and no coaching staff after local re-zoning creates
two high-school districts, coach Taylor (Kyle Chandler) is finding
it hard enough trying to build up his new team - the East Dillon
Lions - into a coherent unit, let alone championship contenders.
The episodes are: 'East of Dillon', 'After the Fall', 'In the Skin
of a Lion', 'A Sort of Homecoming', 'The Son', 'Stay', 'In the
Bag', 'Toilet Bowl', 'The Lights in Carroll Park', 'I Can't',
'Injury List', 'Labouring' and 'Thanksgiving'.