The Van Loveren Almost Zero Ravishing Rose 750ML is a wine made from soft, smooth grapes with rose petal and strawberry flavors. It is 75% less kJ, less than 0.4% alcohol, and has very low sugar. This wine is ideal for every occasion and can be enjoyed as a healthy aperitif or with your favorite oriental dishes, desserts, and pizza.
- Soft and smooth with rose petal and strawberry flavours
- It is ideal for every occasion without the alcohol restricting your enjoyment
- 75% less kJ, less than 0.4% alcohol and very low sugar
- Enjoy as a healthy aperitif or with your favourite oriental dishes, desserts and pizza
Van Loveren Family Vineyards is South-Africa's leading family-owned winery, known for their range of excellent wines and a welcoming, family-friendly wine farm experience.