The story follows Deokie Ramoutar as she struggles to come to terms with the challenges her country faces and her emerging ambition to transform her own life and the lives of those around her. The novel portrays the close community surrounding Deokie, the life of her family and her friends, with its laughter, heartache and occasional tragedy. Most of all it explores the feelings of a younger generation getting to grips with the conflicting demands of traditional cultural expectations and the heady attractions of contemporary life.
Set in the outskirts of San Fernando, Trinidad, Dilemmas of Deokie follows nineteen-year-old Deokie Ramoutar as she struggles to come to terms with the challenges her country faces and her emerging ambition to transform her own life and the lives of those around her. The novel portrays the close community surrounding Deokie, the life of her family and her friends, with its laughter, heartache and occasional tragedy. Most of all it explores the feelings of a younger generation getting to grips with the conflicting demands of traditional cultural expectations and the heady attractions of contemporary life. ...a stirring exploration of what it means to be sensitive, introspective, patriotic, adolescent and female in the present-day Caribbean, permeated by the lure of a materialistic American lifestyle. Sam Soyer,Assistant Examiner for CXC For further information on the story and the author click here .