Paul Bate makes sense of a huge range of issues which must be considered in the struggle for change. He has developed a framework that will help students, researchers and practitioners alike to focus on a variety of conceptual and practical matters relating to business culture and cultural change. Strategies for Cultural Change represents one of the most ambitious attempts so far to provide a comprehensive approach to the design and implementation of a cultural change programme. One of five books nominated for the Management Consultancies Association 'Best Management Book of the Year' Prize 1994. Review: 'It is a wonderful book...Wise, witty and full of some uncommon but good sense'. John Van Maanen, Erwin Schell Professor of Organizational Studies, Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. 'This is one of the more thought provoking books on the issue of change in organizations which I have read in the past two or three years.' - Long Range Planning, August 1995 'Well written and highly suitable' Nic Beech, Senior lecturer in HRM, Strathclyde University