The author of the book is proposing that middle schools in the United States should be reformed in order to keep their unique value to adolescents. The book is divided into seven chapters, each of which focuses on a different aspect of middle school reform. The author provides detailed instructions on how to implement these reforms, and recommends that they be done as soon as possible in order to preserve middle school's value.
Many contemporary American middle schools are stuck in a state of arrested development, failing to implement the original concept of middle schools to a varying, though equally corruptive degrees. The individual chapters of the book outline in detail how to counter this dangerous trend, offering guidance to those who seek immediate, significant, internal reforms before we lose the unique value of middle schools for our nation's adolescents. Review: ... right up my alley...sections of the book were great...I would recommend this book to any middle school teacher. -Childhood Education, winter 2002/03