This book presents the newly developed theory of non-harmonic Fourier series and its applications to the control of distributed parameter systems. The authors extend the theory to include vector exponential series. The first part of the book presents the modern theory of exponentials, using an operator theory approach. The second part of the book extends and upgrades the method of moments - one of the most powerful tools in the flourishing theory of the control of distributed parameter systems. The book then goes on to discuss the controllability of systems described by parabolic and hyperbolic PDEs for internal, boundary, initial, and pointwise control. Typical applications to optimal control problems are also considered. Researchers in control theory, operator theory, functional analysis and partial differential equations will find much to interest them in this treatise. Review: ...a useful tool for people entering the field of harmonic analysis and control as well as for graduate students in applied methematics. Irena Lasiecka, Mathematical Reviews