This book is about water wastewater and sludge filtration. It covers a wide range of topics, from overviews of filtration processes to specific applications. The book is written by experts with a lot of industrial experience, and is aimed at engineers and technicians working with water treatment problems.
A comprehensive and up-to-date account of filtration in solid-liquid separation processes, with a sharp focus on the influence of pro-cess variables on performance and specific applications is pre-sented in this volume. With contribu-tions from researchers with significant industrial experi-ence, as well as by senior academics, this publication fea-tures a deep bed filtration overview with informa-tion on mathematical modeling and application in wastewater treat-ment. Pre-treatment filtration techniques such as cartridge filters, pre-coat filters and micro screening are included. Membrane filtration processes to remove dis-solved and suspended solids for the recovery of valuable ma-terials and the provision of high quality water are covered. Sludge de-watering methods such as centrifuga-tion, and vacuum and pressure filtration are described. Application status data, tables, figures and diagrams are also included. This volume is of special interest to practicing engineers and technolo-gists dealing with treatment problems requiring filtration solu-tions and to graduate students in environmental engineering.