Supernatural: Witch's Canyon

Supernatural is a horror television series that follows the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who hunt supernatural beings such as ghosts, monsters, and witches. Every forty years, a series of murders occurs in the same area near the Grand Canyon. The brothers investigate and eventually take on a gang of killers who are motivated by revenge. more details
Key Features:
  • The show follows the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who hunt supernatural beings such as ghosts, monsters, and witches.
  • Every forty years, a series of murders occurs in the same area near the Grand Canyon. The brothers investigate and eventually take on a gang of killers who are motivated by revenge.

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Author Jeff Mariotte
Format Mass market paperback
ISBN 9780061370915
Publication Date 30/10/2007
Publisher Harperentertainment
Supernatural is a horror television series that follows the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who hunt supernatural beings such as ghosts, monsters, and witches. Every forty years, a series of murders occurs in the same area near the Grand Canyon. The brothers investigate and eventually take on a gang of killers who are motivated by revenge.

Paranormal hunters Sam and Dean Winchester head for a stretch of deserted ranchland not far from the Grand Canyon to investigate a series of mysterious murder sprees that have occurred every forty years and find themselves taking on a vicious gang of vindictive--and dead--killers that are terrorizing the region. Original. (A CW television series, starring Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki) (Horror)
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