Real Men Pray The Rosary

Calvillo reveals how each week thousands of men of all ages and backgrounds join together each week in the Real Men Pray the Rosary movement. A new centerpiece of Catholic men's spirituality, this dynamic book and movement brings men together, deepening their devotion to Christ through Mary. Review: A must for every soldier of Christ! This book is a must for every soldier of Christ! The Blessed Mo... more details

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Calvillo reveals how each week thousands of men of all ages and backgrounds join together each week in the Real Men Pray the Rosary movement. A new centerpiece of Catholic men's spirituality, this dynamic book and movement brings men together, deepening their devotion to Christ through Mary. Review: A must for every soldier of Christ! This book is a must for every soldier of Christ! The Blessed Mother tells us that the Rosary is a sword that cuts through evil. It is a prayer that carries with it a powerful and mysteriously effective force that should never be taken for granted. Real Men Pray the Rosary is a great help in emphasizing this important truth! We are all on this battlefield together and each one of us plays a critical role in the world to do what our Lord commissions us to do. Through the Rosary we are trained and strengthened to do the work that God calls us to do. I encourage all to read and take to heart this great book. Doug Barry Cohost of EWTN's Life on the Rock A gem of a book. What could a book written for men tell women? Plenty! I wanted to dash for my Rosary when I finished reading David Calvillo's book, Real Men Pray the Rosary - a testimony that not only do 'Real Men' pray the rosary,' but so do real women! Packed with stories of men whose lives have been deeply influenced by the power of the Rosary, Calvillo's own personal witness, the history of the Rosary, and insightful meditations to aid us in this efficacious prayer, Calvillo has given us a gem of a book. Johnnette S. Benkovic Founder of Women of Grace Host of Women of Grace and EWTN's Women of Grace Live You will discover a treasure! Many men still cling to the old prejudice that 'religion' and 'piety' are for women only. Nothing can be further from the truth, since God made all of us to 'know, love and serve him in this world so that we might be happy with him forever in the next.' Prayer is essential to accomplish this! Among the prayers Catholics cherish most is the Rosary. St. Padre Pio, a great Rosary pray-er himself, often said, 'Is there any prayer more beautiful than the prayer Our Lady herself taught us? Than the Rosary? Always pray the Rosary.' What David Calvillo has done in his wonderful book, Real Men Pray the Rosary, is give us a full picture of the meaning of the Rosary, its origin and place in the history of the Church, and many of the inspiring statements of popes and saints who have encouraged the Rosary as 'the most perfect prayer.' He reminds us that through the Rosary, we learn to pray in all main forms of prayer: with our lips in the words we recite, with our minds as we meditate on the mysteries, and with our hearts as love grows within us. To illustrate his words about the Rosary, the author has included many testimonies of men whose lives have been profoundly changed by the Rosary. One very interesting feature is the author's use of his tool box with simple exercises to jump-start praying the Rosary. At Fatima, the only request Our Lady made to the shepherd children in all six of her apparitions was to pray the Rosary daily. She told the young visionaries: 'The Rosary is powerful enough to stop wars; the Rosary can bring world peace; the Rosary can convert sinners!' I highly endorse David Calvillo's book, Real Men Pray the Rosary. Read it and you will discover a treasure! Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R. Author of Fatima for Today A treasure to share with the world. For centuries, the Rosary has invited all people to pray, to ponder the treasury of the Gospel mysteries that infuse its beads, and to find a life of purpose as well as peace. David Calvillo shares his own profound and personal walk within these pages. What we find by its end is the beginning of a treasure to share with the world: real men pray, and they pray the Rosary. Jason Godin Columnist Catholic News Agenc
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