Providing extensive coverage of international trade law from an economic development perspective, this second edition of Reclaiming Development in the World Trading System offers discussion of key principles of international trade law, trade measures, trade and development issues, and regulatory reform. Including such topics as the most-favored-nation principle, national treatment, and tariff binding, Lee also offers insightful analysis into new areas pertaining to agriculture and textile, trade-related investment, intellectual property rights, and trade in services. Looking at trade and development issues in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as well as microtrade, an innovative international trade system designed to relieve the absolute poverty of least-developed countries, this book is essential reading that gives context to development interests and advances specific regulatory and institutional reform proposals. Lee lends insight into these topics with case analysis exemplifying how our trading systems have been adopted by the developing world in order to foster their own economic development. Review: 'In this second edition, Professor Lee once again addresses the shortcomings of the WTO's regulatory framework for developing countries and the corresponding shortcomings of the WTO system as a positive force for economic development. The issuance of this broader work is particularly timely. It has become increasingly clear that the WTO's 'Doha Development Round' has failed. With it has gone much of the hope that more of the positive impacts of liberalized world trade would benefit the dozens of smaller developing countries that have had little influence on fourteen years of largely unsuccessful negotiations. Under these circumstances the need for an updated study of international trade law from [the] perspective of economic development is greater than ever ... The process of successfully bringing about economic development through trade all too often continues to mystify; Professor Lee's book will assist readers from all disciplines in better understanding this critically important relationship.' David A. Gantz, Samuel M. Fegtly Professor of Law, Rogers College of Law, University of Arizona 'Y. S. Lee has written on one of the most intriguing and topical questions facing the current WTO regulatory framework: the adequacy of the existing regime to account for all asymmetries across players ... It is true that economists have often raised a brow when reading the existing WTO Subsidies agreement and Lee's proposals in this context will find supporters in various corners. Lee explicitly recognizes that the WTO cannot by itself (by virtue of its narrow mandate) address all development policy issues faced by developing countries. His proposals are there to first, ensure that the current international trade regime be an obstacle to development, and, second, provide the necessary flexibility for countries faced with hard choices. His book is a contribution to an ongoing discussion and will provide a welcome addition to the existing literature.' Petros C. Mavroidis, Edwin B. Parker Professor of Law, Columbia Law School, New York; University of Neuchatel; and the Centre for Economic Policy Research 'Professor Lee's review of the existing international trade system, and his view of its adverse effect on developing countries is impressive. He argues for considerable reforms, most notably for reforms which will permit developing countries to promote infant industries, a practice which he notes today's developed countries, including the United States, pursued when they were developing. The book does make us think about the trials and dilemmas, and the poverty of less fortunate countries and peoples, and the possible relevance to them of our current trade policies and what changes in them might achieve.' Don Wallace, Jr, Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, and Chairman, International Law Institute 'Professor Lee's well-written, well-researched book raises the challenging question of whether the current WTO rules might retard