This book is a compilation of research on thermal cracking in concrete. The research is divided into three sections: laboratory research, construction site research, and stress prediction. The book also includes a discussion on the influence of curing on thermal cracking.
Much progress has been made in recent years in the assessment of thermal stresses in the laboratory and on the construction site, as well as in the control of thermal cracking in concrete members. This has contributed to the understanding of stress generation and has opened new aspects on the influence of the concrete constituents and curing on thermal cracking. New methods to predict thermal stress and cracking sensitivity give improved and more reliable results. This book presents the current state-of-the-art on the subject and forms the Proceedings of an important RILEM International Symposium in Munich in October 1994. This book should be of interest to researchers in the field of civil engineering and construction materials; consulting civil/structural engineers; contractors; suppliers of cements, aggregates, admixtures for concrete; ready-mixed concrete suppliers; and testing organizations.