This book is a collection of papers on the topic of migration and development. The papers discuss the potential positive role of migration for countries and regions the emigrants originate from.
The debate on international migration and development currently focuses on South-North migration, transnationalism, remittances and knowledge transfer. The potential positive role of migration for countries and regions the emigrants originate from has recently been acknowledged by, among others, the World Bank, United Nations Commissions and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM). This volume addresses the question: to what extent and under what conditions does international migration contribute to local and national development? By presenting novel insights and themes on the basis of new empirical evidence from various countries, this volume is an indispensable addition to the international discussion on migration. Review: 'The subject of migration and development has risen up the global political agenda with the growth of migrant remittances. This fascinating collection of papers shows that we need to go far beyond these purely financial concerns if we are to understand migrants' contributions to their countries and communities of origin.' - Michael Collyer, University of Sussex, UK