Dive back into the enchanting world of "Rosa and the Magic Dream," the thrilling second installment in the beloved Magic Ballerina series by Darcey Bussell! In this captivating tale, Rosa faces the malevolent plot of the Wicked Fairy, who has long coveted control of Enchantia. With Rosa under a sinister spell and trapped in a castle, adventurous readers will be on the edge of their seats wondering if she can summon the courage and magic to escape. Perfect for fans of dance and fantasy, this 96-page paperback adventure is not just a story; it’s an invitation to explore bravery, friendship, and the power of dreams. Join Rosa on her quest as she battles dark forces and fights to reclaim her freedom and the joy of ballet. Published by HarperCollins in May 2009, this charming book is a must-have for young readers seeking an inspiring and magical experience. Whether as a gift or a personal treasure, "Rosa and the Magic Dream" promises to captivate the hearts of children and parents alike!
Return to the magical world of Enchantia in the captivating second series of Magic Ballerina by Darcey Bussell! The Wicked Fairy has always wanted to rule Enchantia and has come up with an evil plan to take over, by casting a spell on Rosa and holding her captive! Can Rosa escape from her castle, or will the Wicked Fairy get her wish?