The concept of gift-giving is a central topic in various fields such as deconstruction, gender and feminist theory, ethics, philosophy, anthropology, and economics. This text contains a collection of essays on gifts and gift-giving, including new contributions from authors such as Emerson Helene Cixous, Marshall Sahlins, Pierre Bourdieu, Gayatri Chakrovrty Spivak, and Allan Stoekl.
The theme of the gift can be located at the centre of current discussions of deconstruction, gender and feminist theory, ethics, philosophy, anthropology and economics. This text offers several essays on gifts and gift-giving, and adds to them new essays written for this collection. The list of contributors includes Emerson Helene Cixous, Marshall Sahlins, Pierre Bourdieu, Gayatri Chakrovrty Spivak and Allan Stoekl.