The passage tells the story of Detective Kubu and his investigation into a series of murders. The first murder was not perfect, as the victim had some broken bones. Kubu investigates the case and uncovers a chain of crimes leading to the most powerful figures in the country. He is able to cold-bloodedly efficient and frighteningly influential enemies who can make anyone who gets in their way disappear.
Smashed skull, snapped ribs, and a cloying smell of carrion. Leave the body for the hyenas to devour-no body, no case. But Kalahari game rangers stumble on the human corpse mid-meal. The murder wasn't perfect after all. Enter Detective David "Kubu" Bengu of the Botswana Criminal Investigation Department, an investigator whose personality and physique match his moniker, the Setswana word for hippopotamus-which is a seemingly docile beast, but one of the deadliest, and most persistent, on the continent. Beneath a mountain of lies and superstitions, Kubu uncovers a chain of crimes leading to the most powerful figures in the country-cold-bloodedly efficient and frighteningly influential enemies who can make anyone who gets in their way disappear.