The infinite in the palm of the hand: Novel
The magical story of our origins is probably the one that has inspired the greatest fascination in humanity over the years. But, beyond the forty verses that the Bible dedicates to Adam and Eve, even more so than the legend, what would life have been like for that innocent, brave and touching first couple? What was the impetus that led Eva to take the forbidden fruit? And what thoughts passed through both of their minds once they realized the consequences of what Eva had just done?
This novel is designed to take you on a fascinating and primitive journey that will take you to the beginning of everything, to the story behind the Jewish-Christian civilization. Poetry and mystery join forces in this surprising novel that presents us to the first man and the first woman discovering and discovering their surroundings, experiencing the confusion caused by punishment, the power to give life and the cruelty of killing to survive.
This novel, written by Gioconda Belli, is a parable for our times and for an unexpected future that manages to captivate and please every inch of our soul.
El mgico relato de nuestros orgenes es probablemente el que ms fascinacin ha inspirado en la humanidad a lo largo de los tiempos. Pero, ms all de los cuarenta versculos que la Biblia dedica a Adn y Eva, ms all incluso de la leyenda, cmo sera la vida de aquella inocente, valiente y conmovedora primera pareja? Cmo sera aquel universo primigenio? Cul fue el impulso que motiv a que Eva tomara la manzana prohibida? Y qu pensamientos le pasaron por la cabeza a ambos una vez que comprendieron las consecuencias de lo que Eva acababa de hacer? Preprese para adentrar en un mundo fascinante y primitivo que lo llevar al comienzo de todo, a la historia en la que se basa la civilizacin judo-cristiana. Poesa y misterio se dan la mano en esta sorprendente novela que nos presenta al primer hombre y la primera mujer descubrindose y descubriendo su entorno, experimentando el desconcierto ante el castigo, el poder de dar vida y la crueldad de matar para sobrevivir. Esta novela que nos brinda Gioconda Belli es una parbola para nuestros tiempos y para un futuro inesperado que logra cautivar y complacer cada centmetro de nuestra alma.