Elizabeth Arden is a Canadian company that started selling skincare products in New York City in 1908. In 1934, they released their first perfume, Blue Grass. Elizabeth Arden has since released many popular perfumes, including the 5th Avenue series, the Green Tea series, Arden Beauty, Mediterranean, and of course, Red Door and the Red Door Series. Men's cologne include Daytona 500.
Canadian born Elizabeth Arden was a nurse with the dream of building a
cosmetic empire. Mixing
potions and lotions in her kitchen in hopes of discovering beauty cream
perfection she journey to New York in 1908 at age 30 to see her dream
through. She opened a beauty salon on Fifth Avenue, painted the door
red to distinguish her business and started to sell her wares. She soon
outgrew her one location and began to make her products available for
resale by the most prestigious and notable retail
Elizabeth Arden continues to produce cosmetics and skincare products
but the company has changed its focus to fragrances of late producing
scents under its own name as well as under the names of designers and
celebrities. The first Elizabeth Arden perfume, Blue Grass, was
introduced in 1934. Other popular Elizabeth Arden perfumes include the
5th Avenue series, the Green Tea series, Arden Beauty, Mediterranean
and of course, Red Door and the Red Door Series. Men's cologne include
Daytona 500.
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