This excerpt from a review of "Organizational Studies: Critical Perspectives on Business and Management" discusses the book's contents and the various topics covered. The book includes essays on topics such as management, hierarchy, accountability, and globalization.
Edited by a collective of 10 academics at the University of Warwick Business School, this collection reprints some of the most important works within organization studies from the 1970s to the 1990s. Outline of contents: Volume 1,
Modes of Management seeks to invert conventional approaches to managing. Volume 2,
Objectivity and Others focuses upon issues of epistemology. Volume 3,
Selves and Subjects investigates areas hidden from orthodox organization studies Volume 4,
Evil Empires? looks at the damaging effects of large organizations upon the lives of people. Together, the collection contains some 80 articles, drawn from the social sciences generally as well as organization studies specifically.
Selected contents: 1.
S.A. Marglin What do bosses do? The origins and functions of hierarchy in capitalist production
The Division of Labour: The Labour Process and Class Struggle in Modern Capitalism [1976] 2.
K.W. Hoskin and
R.H. Macve The Genesis of Accountability: The West Point Connections
Accounting, Organizations and Society [1988] 3.
R. Jackall The Social Structure of Mangerial Work
Moral Mazes: The World of Corporate Managers [1988] 4.
T.J. Watson Management: An Activity in Search of Itself
In Search of Management: Culture, Chaos and Control in Managerial Work [1994] 5.
C. Heckscher Changing the Rules
White Collar Blues: Management Loyalties in an Age of Corporate Restructuring [1995] 6.
M.B. Calas and
L. Smircich Dangerous Liasons: The 'Feminine-in-Management' Meets 'Globalization'
Business Horizons [1993]