The movie "Group" is a 1960s drama directed by Sidney Lumet and starring Candice Bergen, Joan Hackett, and Elizabeth Hartman. It follows a group of girls as they graduate from private school and navigate relationships, careers, and societal challenges. The cast also includes Shirley Knight, Joanna Pettet, Mary-Robin Redd, Jessica Walter, and Kathleen Widdoes.
Candice Bergen, Joan Hackett and Elizabeth Hartman star in this 1960s drama directed by Sidney Lumet. As a group of girls prepare to graduate from private school and start their lives in the outside world, they embark upon romances and marriages, new paths and careers and battle sexual prejudices, family crises and financial difficulties. The cast also includes Shirley Knight, Joanna Pettet, Mary-Robin Redd, Jessica Walter and Kathleen Widdoes.