The Lone Rider, also known as Tom Cameron, and his friend "Fuzzy" go to Gunsmoke Valley to buy a ranch. They stop a lynch mob from hanging ranch owner Jack Stewart and later, when Stewart is killed, Cameron is falsely accused and jailed. With Fuzzy's help, Cameron escapes and hides at a mission, pretending to be a priest. He tries to find evidence to prove his innocence and uncover the real killers. The Lone Rider was played by George Houston in eleven Producer Distribution Corporation films before being replaced by Robert Livingston. Despite the title, the Lone Rider always had a companion, usually "Fuzzy" St. John, and sometimes even had two friends, like in this movie where Dennis "Smokey" Moore joins them.
Tom Cameron, aka The Lone Rider, and his pal "Fuzzy" ride out to Gunsmoke Valley looking to buy a ranch. They thwart a lynch mob attempting to hang ranch owner Jack Stewart for cattle rustling. When another attempt on Stewart's life is successful, Cameron himself is jailed. With Fuzzy's aid, Cameron escapes and seeks refuge at a nearby mission. Disguised as a padre, the Lone Rider hunts for clues to disclose the identity of the true killers.Former opera singer George Houston would play the Lone Rider in eleven Producer Distribution Corporation productions before being replaced by Robert Livingston. It's curious that this series was named The Lone Rider, as he always had a constant companion and sidekick in Al "Fuzzy" St. John. Sometimes he even had two pals, such as in this film where "Fuzzy" is joined by Dennis "Smokey" Moore.