In Dragon Ball, Volume 12, Goku's friend Kuririn is killed by a monster, leading Goku to search for the culprit. He discovers his most powerful enemy yet, the Demon King Piccolo, who has been freed after centuries of imprisonment. Piccolo sends monsters to find the Dragon Balls and eliminate anyone who stands in his way. Goku's flying cloud is destroyed, leaving him stranded in the jungle where he meets an unexpected ally.
When Kuririn is killed by a lizardlike monster, Goku goes in search of the culprit and finds his most terrifying enemy yet: the evil Demon King Piccolo. Freed after centuries of imprisonment, Piccolo sends waves of monsters on a mission to find the Dragon Balls and destroy any who might oppose him. With his flying cloud destroyed, Goku finds himself lost in the jungle, where he meets an unlikely new ally.