The third book in the Renegade Spirit Series, titled "Seclusion Point," follows the story of Patch Johnson and his friends after their battles with angels and demons. They return to school, where it is difficult for Christian teens to fit in and they must be cautious of Cheryl McCry and her World Peace Alliance. Patch finds himself in a remote Kansas town, questioning God's plan for him and the true intentions of other believers. He eventually discovers McCry's secret and must make a dangerous journey back home. This book concludes the series and offers a new perspective on what it means to be a committed follower of Christ.
Where do you go after you've fought with angels and helped defeat demons?For Patch Johnson's friends, the unlikely answer is . . . back to school. Where it's harder than ever for Christian teens to fit in. Where Cheryl McCry and her World Peace Alliance are still on the prowl to catch Christians. Where it's dangerous to trust anyone--including each other.Meanwhile, Patch is far from home, hiding out from McCry in a remote Kansas town and wondering why other believers there may not be quite what they appear. Is it really God's will for him to stay in this strange place--and for what reason?Patch receives part of his answer when he discovers Cheryl McCry's explosive secret. Then he has no choice but to head for home--knowing it may cost him his life.This unforgettable conclusion to the Renegade Spirit Series will leave teens with a fresh perspective on what it means to be a committed follower of Christ.