Written by a multidisciplinary group of scientists from around the globe Environmental Restoration of Metals-Contaminated Soils provides a summary of the current environmental remediation technology.Topics include:oPhysical-Chemical processes for in situ remediation by adding amendments for stabilizationoThe mechanics of metal retention and release from soilsoChemical remediation method for soil contaminated with CD and PboThe effect of soil pH on the distribution of metals among soil fractionsoPhysical and electrical separation methods for soil remediationoRelationship between the phytoavailability and the extractability of heavy metalsoAn overview on environmental restoration of Se-contaminated soilsoTrace elements in the soil-plant system under tropical environmentoThe process of metal removal by chelation using amino acidsoThe effects of natural zeolelite and bentonite on the phytoavailability of heavy metalsoMetal uptake by agricultural crops from sewage-sludge treated soilsIn many cases an integrated approach to the remediation of metals contaminated soil yields the best results. Environmental Restoration of Metals-Contaminated Soils explores the emerging issues of the biogeochemistry of trace elements in the environment and provides an approach combining elements from biology, geochemistry, hydrology, and soil physics and chemistry.