This book is a compilation of data on carbon fluxes in tropical ecosystems. The data is from case studies in 12 different countries in tropical regions. The chapters cover different aspects of tropical ecosystems, such as soil and biotic carbon pool, impacts of land use and soil management, and slash-and-burn practices.
Tropical ecosystems - the regions between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn - play an important role in global processes, economic issues, and political concerns. In their natural state, tropical ecosystems support a large quantity of above- and below-ground biomass, and constitute a major part of the terrestrial carbon pool. Conversion of the natural ecosystem to agriculture and forestry ecosystems disturbs this ecological balance. Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems presents data on carbon pool fluxes from case studies in 12 countries in tropical regions. The chapters cover:oCharacteristics of tropical ecosystemsoSoil and biotic carbon poolsoImpacts of land use and soil managementoSlash-and-burn practicesoCrop residue and fertility managementThis volume adds to the understanding of pedospheric processes in tropical ecosystems and how to better use soils as a sink for carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. With Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems you will understand the link between soil productivity, environmental quality and the global carbon cycle, not only in these ecologically sensitive regions but worldwide.