Like real analysis, complex analysis has generated methods indispensable to mathematics and its applications. Exploring the interactions between these two branches, this book uses the results of real analysis to lay the foundations of complex analysis and presents a unified structure of mathematical analysis as a whole. To set the groundwork and mitigate the difficulties newcomers often experience, An Introduction to Complex Analysis begins with a complete review of concepts and methods from real analysis, such as metric spaces and the Green-Gauss Integral Formula. The approach leads to brief, clear proofs of basic statements - a distinct advantage for those mainly interested in applications. Alternate approaches, such as Fichera's proof of the Goursat Theorem and Estermann's proof of the Cauchy's Integral Theorem, are also presented for comparison. Discussions include holomorphic functions, the Weierstrass Convergence Theorem, analytic continuation, isolated singularities, homotopy, Residue theory, conformal mappings, special functions and boundary value problems. More than 200 examples and 150 exercises illustrate the subject matter and make this book an ideal text for university courses on complex analysis, while the comprehensive compilation of theories and succinct proofs make this an excellent volume for reference.