The Puzzle King

The story follows the lives of Simon and Flora, two immigrants who fall in love and eventually have a child. Simon becomes a successful inventor, but Flora and Simon become obsessed with rescuing their loved ones who are still in Europe. The story explores a fascinating moment in history as the characters endure with dignity, grace, and hope for the future. more details
Key Features:
  • A story of immigrants and love
  • A moment in history that is still relevant today
  • An inventive story with a focus on technology

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Author Betsy Carter
Format Softcover
ISBN 9781616200169
Publication Date 23/10/2010
Publisher Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
Manufacturer Algonquin Books Of Chapel Hill
The story follows the lives of Simon and Flora, two immigrants who fall in love and eventually have a child. Simon becomes a successful inventor, but Flora and Simon become obsessed with rescuing their loved ones who are still in Europe. The story explores a fascinating moment in history as the characters endure with dignity, grace, and hope for the future.

Here's a memorable tale of two unlikely heroes: the lively, beautiful Flora and her husband, the brooding, studious Simon, two immigrants, both sent to America by their families to find a better life. An improbable match, they meet in New York City and fall in love. Simon-inventor of the jigsaw puzzle-eventually makes his fortune. Now wealthy, Flora and Simon become obsessed with rescuing those they left behind in Europe, loved ones whose fates will be determined by growing anti-Semitism on both sides of the Atlantic. The Puzzle King explores a fascinating moment in history with a cast of characters who endure with dignity, grace, and hope for the future.
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