This product is a coffee stimulant that is meant to increase sexual performance and increase confidence in bed. It is also used to cure premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction problems. The effects of this product include increased sexual awareness, enlargement of the penis both length and width, and longer lasting erections. Alcohol does not effect the workings of this product, but the coffee may take slightly longer to work. The dosage is 1 sachet with 100ml of warm water 30 minutes before having sex. This product is for use by men only and should be consulted with a doctor if you have any health concerns.
Mojo Mocha Sex Coffee for Men
Coffee stimulant, to boost your sexual performance and increase your confidence in bed with stronger erections that last longer – Sex stimulants and libido boosters for men are also used to cure premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction problems.
Increases sexual awareness, enlarges the penis both length and width, gives harder longer lasting erections, prolongs the time to orgasm. Alcohol does not effect the workings of Mojo Mocha Coffee although the coffee may take slightly longer to work.
Take 1 Sachet with 100ml warm water 30 minutes before having sex.
If you have ailments, are a senior person or have any health concerns please consult with your doctor before using this product.
What You Get:
1x 14g Sachet of Mojo Mocha Coffee.
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