The article discusses the use of an aspirator and ear syringe set to relieve nasal congestion in infants. The aspirator is a simple device that uses gentle suction to clear matter from the tip of the aspirator. The ear syringe extention attaches easily to the aspirator bulb, making the procedure easy to use. The Soft Purtex aspirator is safe and gentle to babys nose and ears, and is suitable for use from birth.
The paediatrician recommended method for the immediate relief of nasal congestion in infants is aspiration . This simple, effective procedure uses the gentle suction provided by first squeezing the bulb portion of the aspirator then placing the end gently against babys nostril and releasing the pressure on the bulb. Clear any matter from the tip after each suction. The Soft Purtex is safe and gentle to babys nose and ears. For ease of use the ear syringe extention attaches easily to the aspirator bulb. BPA Free. Suitable for use from Birth.