This is a set of three cosmetic bags, including a clear bag, a metallic silver bag, and a metallic gold bag with a heart applique. The bags are designed to keep cosmetics organized and easily accessible. The clear bag is the largest and has a wrist strap, while the silver bag is smaller and the gold bag is the smallest. The bags have durable zippers and are ideal for travel or everyday use. The set is identified by product code HB02151 and the bags have varying dimensions.
Perfect for your collection of cosmetics, this set of three makeup bags will keep things organized and handy. The small and medium bags are lined, and the clear bag has a handy wrist strap. The ideal set for that sudden special over night adventure.
Finished with a tough and durable matching zipper, the first bag in this collection is the largest and completely clear. Clear makeup bags make it easy to see what is inside.
The second makeup bag in this collection is smaller than the first and finished in a metallic silver color. This makeup bag is ideal for your go to products, having them together makes getting ready much faster.
Lastly, use the small metallic gold cosmetic bag, with an open heart metal applique, for your purse or gym bag. This bag is perfect for feminine products, hair ties, and even some chapstick.
Product Code: HB02151 SKU: HB02151 Large clear bag measures approximately 9.5 inches wide and 6.5 inches high. Medium silver bag measures 8 inches wide and 5 inches high. Small gold bag measures 5.5 inches wide and 3.75 inches high.