This is a 128MB RAM memory module made by Infineon. It is a PC800-45 RDRAM RIMM with non-ECC and the model number is HYR166440G-845. The material is a combination of plastic, metal, and electronics and the exact size is 5.25in length x 1.4in width x 0.15in height. The color is green and silver and it is manufactured in Germany. The part number is 5000615 and it has 184 pins for RAMBUS.
Infineon RAM Memory Module 128MB PC800-45 RDRAM RIMM non-ECC HYR166440G-845. Material: Plastic. Material: Metal. Material: Electronics. Exact item size plus or minus 1/4 inch - 5.25in length x 1.4in width x 0.15in height. Color: Green/Silver. Country of Manufacture: Germany. Feature: Part Number: 5000615. Feature: 184-Pin RAMBUS.