Discover the compelling insights of "English in Perspective," a thought-provoking exploration of the status of the English language in South Africa and beyond. Authored by F. Horne and G. Heinemann, this engaging paperback dives into the complexities of English's dominance amidst a diverse landscape of 11 official languages. This book examines the societal impact of English, revealing how second or additional-language speakers may be sacrificing their native cultures in pursuit of the global power that English offers. Through a rich collection of local texts, it invites readers to reflect on the implications of language use and evolution within a multilingual society. With 352 pages of enlightening content, "English in Perspective" is an essential read for linguists, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the intricate dynamics of language, culture, and power in South Africa. Published by Oxford University Press Southern Africa, this softcover edition’s ISBN is 9780195781946. Don't miss the chance to enrich your perspective on one of the world's most influential languages!
What is the real status of English in the world, and in South Africa in particular? South Africa has 11 official languages, and purports to uphold equal rights for all. However, English continues to wield immense official and unofficial power. Many English second- or additional-language speakers in South Africa are sacrificing or "diluting" their primary languages and cultures in the quest to take up and use the power in a world language. "English in Perspective" uses a wealth of local texts to explore how English is spoken and written. It questions the dominance of English and wrestles with some of the complexities arising from language use and change in a multilingual society.