The Trunki Kids Ride-on Suitcase Dudley Dinosaur is a toy that is designed for children who are interested in travelling. It is made of lime green and yellow and has green and yellow wheels. It is designed to be ridden on by children and is made with print scales and spikes on the body of the toy that are meant to be explored by children. It also has white horns that are meant to be used as a decoration.
Prepare for adventures big and small with Dudley the coolest little Dinosaur Trunki, essential for any little Dino explorer!
Designed for travelling tots - pack this loveable Dudley Trunki with all your travel essentials and enjoy new awesome travels - have fun & discover, love your Dudley the Dinosaur Trunki, grab your binoculars, and fasten your seat belt!
Lime green in colour with yellow & green wheels these new little Dinos will be certain to give little Dino experts a Roarrrrring time, wherever they ride, with a promise of no travel tantrums!
Dudley the Dinosaur Trunki features Dino print scales and spikes little Dino explorers', can roam through plantations along riverbanks, with white horns, perfect to ride to the departure gate!
Little Dino explorers can ride, carry, or be towed along to save tired feet.