This book is a series of exercises in synthetic organic chemistry. Each exercise has a reference to the original work, a synthetic scheme in which either structures or reagents have been omitted, a series of questions on the exercise, and in most cases references to related literature and useful reviews. The exercises are designed to provide challenges for people with a wide range of backgrounds, from undergraduates to academic staff and industrial group leaders. The book encourages active participation by asking readers to propose solutions to set problems. The exercises are ideal for group discussions in organic chemistry.
This book is comprised of a series of exercises in synthetic organic chemistry based around recently published syntheses. Each exercise gives a reference to the original work, a synthetic scheme in which either structures or reagents have been omitted, a series of questions on the exercise, and in most cases references to related literature and useful reviews. The exercises are designed to provide challenges for people with a wide range of backgrounds, from undergraduates to academic staff and industrial group leaders, and they enable readers to increase their vocabulary of synthetic transformations. Taking a novel approach, this volume encourages active participation; instead of absorbing standard strategies, readers are asked to propose solutions to set problems. The exercises are ideal for group discussions in organic chemistry.