This book introduces the fundamentals of financial mathematics. It begins with a discussion of simple and compound interest and then establishes the important concepts of effective and equivalent effective interest rates. Subsequent chapters discuss the applications of annuities to practical problems regarding the saving of money and repayment of loans. The notion of using net present value and internal rate of return to distinguish between two different investment opportunities is presented. The concluding chapters of the book take a brief look at the use of differential and integral calculus in financial mathematics. Each chapter includes numerous worked examples that are solved with the aid of a financial calculator where applicable. Features Model 9781485130659 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 0.5kg Product Dimensions 210mm(L) x 148mm(W) x 15mm(H) Shipping Weight 0.5kg Shipping Dimensions 210mm(L) x 148mm(W) x 15mm(H)