Communicating @ work unpacks the various and complex communication challenges in todays multicultural and technological working environment. It is written in a conversational, accessible style, and covers not only a range of communication situations and formats but also uses a holistic, practice-based approach to illustrate the application of effective communication principles in the workplace. Examples, margin comments, provocative chatroom questions and online supplementary material elaborate on concepts and offer down-to-earth guidance on everyday business communication transactions and conduct. Every chapter has been updated with the latest findings and debates. Given the accelerated proliferation of multimodal digital devices and networking opportunities and challenges, the authors have also increased their focus on new media, particularly the role played by social media in business contexts and corporate reputation management. This editions comprehensive coverage of spoken, written and visual communication for business and industry makes it an ideal textbook as well as a valuable reference in the workplace for professionals. Features Model 9780627037115 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 0.54kg Product Dimensions 249mm(L) x 170mm(W) x 15mm(H) Shipping Weight 0.54kg Shipping Dimensions 249mm(L) x 170mm(W) x 15mm(H)