From Rev Isaac W. Dyobha Wauchope SS Mendi's death drill to Struggle Stalwart Joyce Nombuyiselo KALAOTE as an activist and military recruiter.Unbeknown to the family, the heroic actions of their patriarch, Reverend Isaac Williams Dyobha Wauchope, legendary hero from the 1917 SS Mendi troopship, when challenging and engaging the early 20th century Cape colonialists, would pave the path of political activism for many future Wauchope generations.His descendant, Joyce Kalaote, was a political activist, a struggle heroine, and one of the towering BCM figures during the 1970s against the system of apartheid. A nurse by profession, she thrust herself into civic struggles, and as an active community member rallied brave women to close ranks in support and in defence of the 16 June 1976 students following the outbreak of nationwide uprisings. But she was not alone; the members of her entire family were political activists.Her nephew, George Mpapa Wauchope, was described as a soldier of justice and, after having enrolled at the University of Fort Hare in 1970, joined the South African Students Organisation (SASO). Fort Hare sharpened his political interest, and this is where this remarkable figure emerged with an unwavering desire to take on the system on its illegitimate rule over the black majority. Being a prominent exponent of the philosophy of Black Consciousness, his extraordinary activism became the family's catalyst and the entire Wauchope family becomes involved in the struggle for national liberation.This fascinating read has been assembled with a wonderful collection of material, photographs, documents, and newspaper cuttings arranged to illustrate Joyce's life and her family. To be able to see the people and places involved in the events brings Joyce to life in a way that the written word alone struggles to accomplish. Features Model 9781776056064 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 0.526kg Product Dimensions 234mm(L) x 156mm(W) x 20mm(H) Shipping Weight 0.526kg Shipping Dimensions 234mm(L) x 156mm(W) x 20mm(H)