'This book is my story. . .of Becoming Real.' Despite the distractions of life, from an early struggle to overcome crippling feelings of inadequacy to the responsibilities of being a young mother and then a midwife driven by a passion to change old attitudes in her profession, Robyn Sheldon always felt herself drawn to a search for soulfulness. It was a quest that lead to a loving relationship with two archetypal beings, Mother Mary and Melchizidek, who began to guide her through the Seven Gateways of Soul Integration--'seven subjects to illustrate life's purpose'--where she would be challenged to think anew about such ideas as personal power, truth, wisdom, and the Soul-self. The Liminal Lands tells a deeply personal story with a captivating mixture of honesty, self-irony, wit, and wisdom. Full of the ordinary vulnerabilities of sex, anger, longing, and boredom, it nevertheless shows how meditative practice can slowly change those vulnerabilities into joy, freedom, and greater compassion. For anyone on a similar spiritual path, the book also acts as a practical guide with a thorough explanation of various spiritual concepts and a guide to meditation techniques. Features Model 9781916003309 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 0.381kg Product Dimensions 229mm(L) x 152mm(W) x 15mm(H) Shipping Weight 0.381kg Shipping Dimensions 229mm(L) x 152mm(W) x 15mm(H)