The protagonist, a recent college graduate, is thrown into a new career as a forensic magician. The game is set in the world of the Paranormal Scene Investigations series, a spin-off of Gilman's popular The Retrievers books. The product is a Model 9780778304968, and it weighs 1.0kg and is 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H). Shipping is also 1.0kg and it is 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H).
A recent college grad is thrown into an entirely new career in forensic magic, in this launch title of the Paranormal Scene Investigations series, a spin-off of Gilman's popular The Retrievers books. Features Model 9780778304968 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 1.0kg Product Dimensions 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H) Shipping Weight 1.0kg Shipping Dimensions 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H)