The story follows the protagonist, Dan, as he investigates the disappearance of his family members and Aunt Grusilla's strange garden. The protagonist eventually discovers that the garden is a portal to another world where the inhabitants are forced to live without fingers, and that the garden is a way to extend life. The price for eternal life is unknown, but it is implied to be a very high price.
Dan promised he'd look after his siblings, but he hadn't bargained on his scientist parents dying on a jungle research trip. The children decamp to crumbling Daundelyon Hall. Horrible Aunt Grusilla reigns supreme, tending her mysterious graveyard garden. But why are Aunt Grusilla and her servants each missing a finger? What are the hungry 'Cabbages' in the greenhouse? As Dan struggles to solve the mystery he encounters one final question: what's the price of everlasting life? Features Model 9781910002339 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 1.0kg Product Dimensions 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H) Shipping Weight 1.0kg Shipping Dimensions 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H)