
The story follows the protagonist, Dan, as he investigates the disappearance of his family members and Aunt Grusilla's strange garden. The protagonist eventually discovers that the garden is a portal to another world where the inhabitants are forced to live without fingers, and that the garden is a way to extend life. The price for eternal life is unknown, but it is implied to be a very high price... more details
Key Features:
  • An adventure game with a unique story and puzzles
  • Beautiful graphics and animations
  • A compelling world to explore

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Brand Unbranded
Manufacturer Unbranded
Model Number 9781910002339
The story follows the protagonist, Dan, as he investigates the disappearance of his family members and Aunt Grusilla's strange garden. The protagonist eventually discovers that the garden is a portal to another world where the inhabitants are forced to live without fingers, and that the garden is a way to extend life. The price for eternal life is unknown, but it is implied to be a very high price.

Dan promised he'd look after his siblings, but he hadn't bargained on his scientist parents dying on a jungle research trip. The children decamp to crumbling Daundelyon Hall. Horrible Aunt Grusilla reigns supreme, tending her mysterious graveyard garden. But why are Aunt Grusilla and her servants each missing a finger? What are the hungry 'Cabbages' in the greenhouse? As Dan struggles to solve the mystery he encounters one final question: what's the price of everlasting life? Features Model 9781910002339 Product/Packaging Information Product Weight 1.0kg Product Dimensions 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H) Shipping Weight 1.0kg Shipping Dimensions 40cm(L) x 30cm(W) x 5cm(H)
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