Wilderer Rose Water Gin 750ml

Wilderer Rose Water Gin is a gin made with rose petals and other botanicals. It is well-balanced and has a subtle rose flavor. It won two gold medals. more details
Key Features:
  • Rose petals and other botanicals are used to make Wilderer Rose Water Gin
  • Well-balanced and has a subtle rose flavor
  • Two gold medals were won by the gin

R449.99 from Woolworths

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Country South Africa
Producer Wilderer
Varietal Gin
Manufacturer Wilderer
Wilderer Rose Water Gin is a gin made with rose petals and other botanicals. It is well-balanced and has a subtle rose flavor. It won two gold medals.

Good things take time. Careful consideration went into the process of crafting Wilderer’s Rose Water Gin, the second addition to their gin stable. As crisp and floral as a breath of spring air, fresh rose petals are carefully infused by the distiller, along with juniper, cinnamon, cardamom and a few secret botanicals, to naturally recreate the aroma of Turkish Delight. Expect a well-balanced and subtle rose flavour with a complex background of juniper and spice. Even before its release, this Rose Water Gin won two gold medals – a testament to Wilderer’s consistent level of quality.
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