The story follows Mel, who has always dreamed of opening a cozy coffee shop. Despite facing competition from a local pub owner and the pressure of her mother's visit, Mel is determined to make her dream a reality. In need of a fake boyfriend, she turns to Tony, her business rival who she finds attractive. As they pretend to be engaged, Mel begins to question if her feelings for Tony are real.
A dream come true? Mel's dreams of opening a cosy little coffee shop are finally coming true! She's determined to serve the best flat whites and crumbly pastries in Devon - and nothing, not even local pub owner Tony or his fancy new coffee machine, will stand in her way. The trouble is, her mother is coming to town, and Mel's in desperate need of an instant boyfriend. And whilst Tony might be her business rival, he's also totally gorgeous and would make the perfect fake fiance... A deal's a deal, surely there's no chance that Mel could actually fall in love with Tony?