On Hopkins Mediterranean Gin 750ML

Hopkins Mediterranean Gin is a complex gin made from Western Cape grape spirit and infused with twelve botanicals, including olives, cardamom and fresh herbs. It is balanced and compelling, and pairs well with food and adds an extra dimension to classic cocktails. more details
Key Features:
  • Complex gin made from Western Cape grape spirit and infused with twelve botanicals
  • Balanced and compelling
  • Pairs well with food and adds an extra dimension to classic cocktails

R399.99 from The Beer Merchant

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Current Price: R399.99

Manufacturer hope
Hopkins Mediterranean Gin is a complex gin made from Western Cape grape spirit and infused with twelve botanicals, including olives, cardamom and fresh herbs. It is balanced and compelling, and pairs well with food and adds an extra dimension to classic cocktails.

The most complex of the Hope Distillery gins, it is distilled from Western Cape grape spirit and then infused with twelve botanicals, including olives, cardamom and fresh herbs.Balanced and compelling, Hope Mediterranean Gin pairs well with food and adds an extra dimension to classic cocktails.
Nose: A savoury, olive nose with hints of orange peel.
Palate: Complex with layerings of olives and herbs.
Finish: Lingering savoury complexity with fresh basil.
750ml - abv 43%
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