Qwingo W display

The game is called Qwingo W and it is a game of luck and quick decisions. Players all play at once and roll the symbol die. Players then write the number that corresponds to the die in the matching column on their score sheet. The first player to complete a column ranks above the rest. more details
Key Features:
  • A game of luck and quick decisions
  • Players all play at once
  • Roll the symbol die and write the number that corresponds to the die in the matching column on your score sheet

R250.00 from

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Current Price: R250.00

Brand Unbranded
Manufacturer Unbranded
Model Number GWI1205D
The game is called Qwingo W and it is a game of luck and quick decisions. Players all play at once and roll the symbol die. Players then write the number that corresponds to the die in the matching column on their score sheet. The first player to complete a column ranks above the rest.

Qwingo w/display

It's the whimsical game of luck and quick decisions where everyone plays at once! Call out a number from 1 to 100 and roll the symbol die. Then all players write that number in the matching column on their score sheets. The key is that numbers must be placed in ascending order, so plot carefully or you'll get boxed out! Be the first to complete a column and you rank above the rest!
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