The Trendsetter 5 In 1 Canopy Kids Tricycle is a versatile outdoor toy for children ages 1-6. It can be used as a stroller push tricycle for infants and as they grow, the push handle can be removed and pedals can be used. This helps children learn motor skills and how to ride a bicycle safely. The tricycle has dual back wheels for balance and can help build confidence before transitioning to a regular bicycle.
Come on outdoors! Your child can learn new motor skills and enjoy the outdoors while they're at it.
This stroller push tricycle acts as a push trike for infants and as they transition into toddlers the push handle can be removed and pedals can be used. This will teach them the skill pedalling as well as how to direct a bicycle while having the safety of the dual back wheels for perfect balance. This will give them the confidence required before they move onto their own big bicycle.