Natura Combination Tissue Salts Allergy is a homeopathic remedy which helps to relieve symptoms of mild allergies. It is taken orally 3 times a day and should be consulted with a practitioner if symptoms persist. The ingredients are Calc sulph D6, Ferrum phos D6, Kali mur D6, Kali sulph D6, Nat mur D6, Nat sulph D6.
What isNatura Combin Tissue Salts Allergy?
Homeopathicremedy which helps to relieve symptoms of mild allergies.How to use:
Dissolve 1-2 tablets under the tongue 3 times daily
May be taken hourly in acute cases
Consult your practitioner if symptoms persist
Calc sulph D6
Ferrum phos D6
Kali mur D6
Kali sulph D6
Nat mur D6
Nat sulph D6