Dragon Ball Z, Vol. 9 VIZBIG Edition is a manga that is set in the future and follows the adventures of the characters Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Vegeta, and others. The final volume of the manga is set to release and will change the perspective of the reader to be "BIGA." This means that the reader will be able to see the story from a different perspective and will be able to see the battle between Boo and the heroes from a different perspective.
Reads R to L (Japanese Style), for A audiences.
Final Volume!Change Your Perspective--Get BIGA Collection of Volumes 25 - 26!Final Battle!Earth's days are numbered indeed! Boo, the indestructible djinn of inconceivable power, has been swinging around Earth like a wrecking ball, knocking down everything in his path and turning everyone into snacks. And that was before he transformed from a childish blob into an evil fighting machine. There's no telling what destruction will rain down now!The universe's ultimate champions are desperately scheming and training to find a way to stop this abominable bouncy ball. Gohan is undergoing a bizarre training regimen with former Lord of the Lords...but the old guy keeps nodding off! Meanwhile, Trunks and Goten are perfecting their fusion dance in the Room of Spirit and Time to become Super Gotenks, a level 3 Super Saiyan power combo with extra-special hair. But how can they make a dent in a monster that keeps bouncing back? If only there were a way they could bring Goku and Vegeta and their other friends back to Earth... Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to this colossal manga classic!